"The Shield"   

Meigs County Sheriffs Office - Ohio

A Poem Dedicated to:

James Stacy
~ Deputy Sheriff ~
Pomeroy, Ohio

And ...

For those that have Fallen
For they are Risen
And live in the Shield.

He stands so mighty and brave.
Even his shadow has strength of its own
For in it are the masses
Of yesteryear's souls
That have Fallen and plied to his own
For God knows, those who stand for the Good
Will feel lonely, sad, misunderstood
And will carry in their bosom great pain
As they fight to sustain Brotherhood.

He will put his life on the line
To protect and defend us from harm
Tis his life, his duty and honor
All wrapped up in a Calling for Peace.

'Tis the children, that tear at his heart
And he must bear their dislike and their blame
For it seems he invades in their homes
And tears their sore families apart.

Thus, he stands so tender and brave
With a shadow that beats a refrain
We are here, both the Past and the Present
To defend and protect Love's great Flame!

The Flame that can never be dimmed
Though many have tried, but in vain
For God's peacemakers stand uniform
In the blue, for the Truth and for you.

Audrie Inise Shively Rogers

Used with Special Permission of the Author
Copyright © November 29, 1998 - All Rights Reserved

and may not be duplicated without permission

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