"To Yourself Be True"
To yourself be
true and you will succeed,
Trust your own decisions that you make.
You will conquer your every need,
For yours and your family's sake.
Make your home
a Bastion strong,
Filled with love and happiness true.
Nothing that might come along,
Will shake your trust in you.
Be kind and
considerate to all,
Help where help is needed.
Face true the competitions call,
You will find that your words are heeded
Duty is
something that every Policeman knows,
They must face the most distressing situations.
Over his character he will grow,
As he goes through life's most dangerous stations.
Bernard Shaw
Bern, United Kingdom
Used with Special Permission
of the Author
Copyright © September 17, 2001 - All Rights Reserved
and may not be duplicated without permission
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