"United We Stand"    

"The Heroes of Ground Zero
Killed at the World Trade Center,
The Pentagon and Pennsylvania

"Can't Cry Hard Enough" - A Tribute to the Victims and Heroes

July 4, the day independence we announced,
Tyranny and oppression we denounced.
Our colonies and people would fight together,
To live in freedom, once and forever.
In God’s trust our fight was placed
Protection He gave against the enemies we faced.
The fight was long, but we would win this land,
America was strong, because United We Stand.

December 7, that infamous day in our past
A dark day on this Country was cast.
Sunrise attack, that surprised us all
Again we knew, America must stand tall.
They chose to fight, they chose their path
Response was immanent; they would feel our wrath.
Warnings ignored until they realized firsthand
America was strong, because United We Stand.

September 11, history will write a day of gloom
When terror came to our land with impending doom.
America is weak they said, unable to answer the call
When innocent lives are lost and our buildings fall.
Hero’s came to save but some lost their life
They gave inspiration and hope on that day of strife.
Response will come; America will not yield,
To honor the victims of the towers, Pentagon and field.

You don’t understand our spirit, the American way,
We will not cower; you must heed the words we say.
When pushed and threatened by enemies, no matter who,
American’s will rise, hand in hand, to punish you.
Past, present and future, through all the years,
No matter the conflicts, toils or tears,
One Nation under God, held in His mighty hand,
America is strong, because United We Will Always Stand.


Lieutenant Craig Akard

Lawton (OK) Police Department

Used with Special Permission of the Author
Copyright © 2001 - All Rights Reserved

and may not be duplicated without permission

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