"Why Do You Bother?"     


Brooks County Troopers

Why do I bother” you ask with a sigh
Don't they know all I can do is try
Your heart is aching you wanna go home
Why can't you see you make my heart warm

Your life for mine how can this be
If you only knew its hard to believe
How can you take it
And smile just to fake it

If a chance is all you get
Prove to them your not a fake
Come rain snow or hell
I drive with courage knowing your there

And if a wreck should fall upon me
I know its you kneeling by me
And when you feel tired and alone
Remember there's a smile that goes unnoticed when you're seen on patrol

And a heart that's put at ease when you walk through
that door
“Why do I bother” you ask with a sigh
Do it for the one who thinks your a great guy



Used with Special Permission of the Anonymous Author
Copyright © December 2001 - All Rights Reserved

and may not be duplicated without permission

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